Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Making Jewelry - Wire Wrapping 101 (niobium jewelry wire)

(niobium jewelry wire) Insert the wire or the headpin into the bead keeping in mind whether or not there is a top and bottom to the bead. You will need to leave a space between the bottom of the loop you are about to make and the top of the bead for the wraps. (niobium jewelry wire) Depending on how many wraps around the wire you want to make, either grasp the wire by the tips of the round nose pliers or further toward the jaws. This is mostly a matter of experience and much depends on the gauge of wire that you are using. Then make a right angle bend in the wire or headpin.(niobium jewelry wire)

Next, decide how big you want your finished loop to be. For a very small loop use the tips of the round nose pliers. For a larger loop, use a part of the RNP that is closer to the joint. Grasp the wire with the RNP so that one of the jaws is on top.(niobium jewelry wire)

Hold the round nose pliers so that the end of the wire is pointing away from you. (niobium jewelry wire) Using the other hand put your fingers close to the RNP and push the wire toward you over the jaw that is on top. Then pull the wire the rest of the way around until the bottom jaw stops you. (niobium jewelry wire)

Slightly loosen your grip on the wire with the round nose pliers so that you can rotate the bottom jaw out of the way without losing your place along the length of the jaw. Finish taking the wire all the way around the jaw. (niobium jewelry wire) You may have to pull the wire slightly to the side to pass the bead.

Remove the loop from the pliers and inspect it for symmetry. (niobium jewelry wire) Everything should be at right angles to each other. Also, the loop should be centered on the shaft of the wire as is sticks up out of the bead. (niobium jewelry wire) If the loop is not centered, re-insert the round nose pliers jaw until it stops, grasp the loop with the pliers and roll your hand away from the excess wire until the loop is centered. Straighten the excess back to a right angle.

(niobium jewelry wire)

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