Sunday, August 3, 2008

Superconducting Niobium Wire - niobium jewelry wire

niobium jewelry wire

Superconducting Niobium Wire

Ever since superconductivity was discovered by Heike Kamerlingh Onnes in 1911, scientists have sought ways to utilize the phenomenon for the benefit of humanity. Many years transpired and a significant amount of research was carried out before superconductors were made suitable for any practical applications. In fact, many potential commercial uses of superconductors still have not been achieved, as various challenges remain that have yet to be overcome. The dream of a world filled with advanced superconductor-based products has not been as easy to achieve as many optimists anticipated in the 1980s, when great strides forward were made in the field at an amazingly rapid pace. Instead, the process of moving such products from the realm of science fiction to the laboratory to full-scale commercial production has been a gradual process, and one that is ongoing.

niobium jewelry wire

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